... The great strength of the science-god, is, of course, that it works ... The science-god sends people to the moon, inoculates people against disease, transports images through vast spaces so that they can be seen in our living rooms. It is a mighty god and, like more ancient ones, gives people a measure of control over their lives, which is one of the reasons why gods are invented in the first place. Some people say the science-god gives more control and more power than any other god before it.
Nonetheless, like all gods, it is imperfect. Its story of our origins and of our end is, to say the least, unsatisfactory. To the question, How did it all begin?, science answers, Probably by accident. To the question, How will it all end?, science answers, Probably by an accident. And to many people, the accidental life is not worth living.
Newfoundlanders have got my fucking RESPECT
6 years ago
And therefore, because the answer is unsatisfactory, it must also be untrue. Gotcha.